Devotional: Revelation 3:20

Introduction to DEvotional: Revelation 3:20

The Bible, central to Christian belief, is a compilation of texts with varied messages and purposes. Each book and verse serves as a guide for believers in their spiritual and everyday lives. In this analysis, we delve into Revelation 3:20 from the New International Version (NIV), which states:

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Devotional: Revelation 3:20


The Book of Revelation, also known as the Apocalypse, is traditionally attributed to John the Apostle, though some scholars debate this. Written around 95 AD, it is the last book of the New Testament. This period was marked by the early Christian church’s struggles, including persecution under the Roman Empire.

Revelation is an apocalyptic text, rich in symbolic and allegorical imagery, addressing the challenges faced by early Christians. It reassures them of God’s ultimate victory over evil and encourages steadfast faith amidst adversity.

In its broader context, Revelation was written to seven churches in Asia Minor, addressing specific issues and challenges each faced. Revelation 3:20 is part of the message to the church in Laodicea, known for its lukewarm faith and complacency.

Verse Analysis

The verse begins with “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock,” symbolizing Jesus’ initiative in reaching out to believers. The imagery of standing at the door and knocking suggests a gentle, patient invitation rather than a forceful entry.

“If anyone hears my voice and opens the door” implies the individual’s role in responding to Jesus’ call. This reflects the importance of personal decision in the Christian faith.

“I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me” represents fellowship and communion with Christ. In the cultural context of the time, sharing a meal was a sign of intimate fellowship and acceptance.

This verse emphasizes the personal nature of the Christian faith. It suggests that Jesus seeks a direct and personal relationship with each believer, beyond collective worship or ritualistic practice.

Theological Implications

Revelation 3:20 is significant in Christian theology for its emphasis on individual responsibility and the personal nature of faith. It highlights the concept of Jesus as someone who initiates a relationship but requires a personal response.

The verse also illustrates the concept of grace. Jesus’ offer to come in and dine implies a gracious invitation to those who may not feel worthy.


Different Christian denominations may interpret this verse with slight variations. Generally, it is seen as an invitation to a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. For Evangelicals, it often symbolizes the moment of individual conversion. For mainline Protestants, Catholics, and Orthodox Christians, it can represent ongoing spiritual renewal and communion with Christ.

The verse complements other biblical teachings about personal faith, grace, and fellowship with God (e.g., John 14:23, Luke 24:29-32).

Application in Daily Life

Believers can apply this verse by being attentive to and embracing Jesus’ call in their lives. It encourages a personal, continuous relationship with Christ, beyond communal worship.

It can inspire hospitality, openness, and readiness to welcome Christ into one’s life. This can manifest in various forms, such as prayer, Bible study, and spiritual reflection.

For personal spiritual growth, this verse serves as a reminder of the importance of an open, receptive heart and the joy of intimate communion with God.


Revelation 3:20 is a profound call for personal engagement with Christ, emphasizing the need for individual response to His initiative. It underscores the intimate nature of the Christian faith, inviting believers to a deep and personal relationship with Jesus.

This verse is a powerful reminder of the personal aspect of faith, the importance of responsiveness to God’s call, and the promise of fellowship with Christ. It encourages believers to deepen their personal relationship with God and to live a life reflective of this intimate communion.

6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Devotional: Revelation 3:20

What Does the Imagery of Jesus Standing at the Door and Knocking in Revelation 3:20 Symbolize?

The imagery symbolizes Jesus’ invitation to individuals for a personal relationship. Unlike other biblical instances where God appears in grand visions or miracles, this verse (Revelation 3:20) shows Jesus in a gentle, personal approach, emphasizing the voluntary nature of accepting Him into one’s life. Compare this with Luke 12:36-37, which also uses the metaphor of a door to symbolize readiness and reception of God.

How Does Revelation 3:20 Relate to the Concept of Free Will in Christianity?

Revelation 3:20 highlights the role of personal choice in faith. The act of hearing Jesus’ voice and opening the door signifies an individual’s free will to accept or reject Jesus’ invitation. This aligns with other scriptural references to free will, like Deuteronomy 30:19-20 and Joshua 24:15, which speak of choosing to follow God.

What Does the Promise of Jesus Eating With the Person in Revelation 3:20 Mean?

Sharing a meal in biblical times was a sign of fellowship and acceptance. In Revelation 3:20, this promise signifies intimate communion and a close relationship with Christ. This concept is also reflected in the Last Supper narratives (Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25, Luke 22:14-20) and the post-resurrection appearance where Jesus eats with His disciples (Luke 24:30-31).

Does Revelation 3:20 Suggest That Salvation Is a Continual Process?

While often used in the context of initial salvation or conversion, this verse can also be seen as a call to ongoing spiritual renewal and deepening of faith. It complements the idea seen in Philippians 2:12-13 of working out one’s salvation with reverence, indicating an ongoing process.

What Is the Significance of the Reference to the Laodicean Church in the Context of Revelation 3:20?

The Laodicean church, to which Revelation 3:20 is addressed, was known for its lukewarm faith, neither hot nor cold (Revelation 3:15-16). This context is crucial as it frames Jesus’ invitation as a call for spiritual zeal and recommitment. The verse is a challenge to the complacency that had crept into the Laodicean church, urging believers to rekindle their passion and commitment to Christ.

How Does the Concept of Fellowship in Revelation 3:20 Relate to the Broader Theme of Community in Christianity?

While Revelation 3:20 emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus, the idea of eating together also suggests community fellowship. In the New Testament, communal aspects of faith are significant, as seen in Acts 2:42-47, where believers shared meals and fellowship. This verse thus not only invites individual believers to a personal relationship with Christ but also to be part of the larger Christian community.

How Do the Themes Expressed in Revelation 3:20 Relate to or Find Echoes in Other Verses and Passages in the Bible?

Revelation 3:20 is a verse from the Book of Revelation, spoken by Jesus, that contains an invitation for personal fellowship and communion. It is part of a message to the church in Laodicea but is often applied more broadly to individuals. This verse illustrates the concept of individual choice in responding to Jesus’ offer of a relationship. Let’s explore this verse and its relation to other parts of the Bible:

John 1:12 – “Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.”
Relation: John 1:12 emphasizes the individual’s response to Jesus, mirroring Revelation 3:20’s theme of personal acceptance and the resulting transformation of relationship with God.

Matthew 7:7-8 – “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Relation: This passage from Matthew parallels the idea of invitation and response found in Revelation 3:20, emphasizing the reciprocal nature of seeking and finding in the context of a relationship with God.

Luke 12:36-37 – “Be like servants waiting for their master to return from a wedding banquet, so that when he comes and knocks they can immediately open the door for him. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds watching when he comes.”
Relation: Luke 12:36-37 captures the readiness and responsiveness expected of believers, akin to the responsive action described in Revelation 3:20.

Romans 10:9-10 – “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
Relation: Romans 10:9-10 also speaks to the personal aspect of faith, focusing on individual belief and confession as the pathway to salvation, in line with the personal response to Jesus’ call in Revelation 3:20.

Isaiah 55:6 – “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.”
Relation: Isaiah 55:6 encourages a personal and timely seeking of God, resonating with the urgency and personal decision to open the door as depicted in Revelation 3:20.

Revelation 3:20, along with these related scriptures, emphasizes the personal and intimate aspect of the Christian faith, highlighting the individual’s responsibility to respond to Jesus’ invitation. This verse and others like it throughout the Bible call for a personal decision to engage in a relationship with God, offering a picture of mutual fellowship and communion that follows such a response.

A Prayer Inspired by Revelation 3:20

As we come before God in prayer, let us reflect on the profound message of Revelation 3:20. In this verse, we are reminded of the Lord’s patient and loving invitation to each of us. He stands at the door of our hearts, knocking, eagerly awaiting our response. This prayer is an expression of our desire to open our hearts to Jesus, to welcome Him into every aspect of our lives, and to rekindle our passion for a deep, personal relationship with Him.

Our Prayer Inspired by Devotional: Revelation 3:20

Heavenly Father, who speaks to us through Your Word,

We come before You with humble hearts, grateful for the gift of Revelation 3:20, a verse that so beautifully illustrates Your loving call to us. Lord Jesus, You stand at the door of our hearts and knock, a gesture of Your endless love and patience. Today, we want to respond to Your gentle invitation with an open heart.

Lord, help us to hear Your voice amidst the noise of our daily lives. In moments of distraction, busyness, or indifference, remind us of Your presence at our doorstep. Grant us the wisdom and strength to open the door wide, to welcome You into the depths of our being.

As You promise to come in and dine with us, we yearn for that intimate fellowship. Teach us, O Lord, to cherish these moments of communion with You. In these sacred encounters, nourish our souls with Your grace and truth. May this spiritual meal strengthen our faith, renew our love, and deepen our commitment to You.

Forgive us, Father, for the times we have been like the Laodicean church, lukewarm in our faith. Rekindle in us a passion for Your Word, a zeal for Your Kingdom, and a fervor in our worship. Help us to be attentive to Your voice, responsive to Your call, and eager to embrace the fullness of life You offer.

We pray for the courage to live out this renewed commitment in our everyday lives. May our open hearts reflect Your love to those around us. Let our lives be a testament to the transformative power of Your presence within us.

In closing this prayer, we hold onto Your promise of fellowship and love. We thank You, Lord, for the personal relationship You offer us, and we commit to keeping the door of our hearts always open to You.

In Jesus’ precious name, we pray,


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