Devotional: Romans 11:36

Introduction to Devotional: Romans 11:36

The Bible, a cornerstone of Christian doctrine and belief, is a rich tapestry of texts that provide guidance, inspiration, and insight into the Christian faith. Each book and verse has its own unique significance, contributing to the overarching narrative of Christianity. In this analysis, we will delve into Romans 11:36 from the New International Version (NIV), which states:

For from him and through him and for him are all things. To him be the glory forever! Amen.

Devotional: Romans 11:36


The Epistle to the Romans, often simply referred to as Romans, is one of the most influential letters written by the Apostle Paul. It is believed to have been penned around 57 AD, during Paul’s missionary work in Corinth. This letter is addressed to the early Christian church in Rome, a diverse community comprising both Jewish and Gentile believers.

Romans is a profound exploration of Christian theology, touching on themes like sin, salvation, grace, faith, and righteousness. Paul’s intent in writing this epistle was to explain the fundamentals of the Christian faith and to address specific theological issues causing division in the Roman church.

Romans 11:36 comes at the end of a section where Paul discusses God’s sovereignty and the mystery of His plan for Israel and the Gentiles. This verse serves as a doxology, a short hymn of praise to God, summarizing Paul’s deep reflections on God’s nature and actions in the world.

Verse Analysis

This verse is composed of three distinct yet interconnected parts: “For from him,” “through him,” and “for him are all things.” Each segment contributes to a holistic understanding of God’s relationship with creation.

“For from him” indicates that God is the ultimate source of all things. It speaks to the idea of God as the Creator, the origin from which everything emerges.

“Through him” suggests that not only does everything originate from God, but it also exists and functions by His power and will. This implies God’s active involvement and sustenance in His creation.

“For him are all things” reflects the purpose of creation. It underscores that the ultimate goal of all that exists is to bring glory to God, emphasizing the theocentric (God-centered) view of the universe.

The conclusion, “To him be the glory forever! Amen,” is a declaration of praise and acknowledgement of God’s eternal glory, indicating Paul’s reverence and awe.

Theological Implications

This verse encapsulates key aspects of Christian theology: the sovereignty of God over all creation, His omnipotence, and the purpose of creation in glorifying God. It is a profound statement about the nature of existence and the centrality of God in all things.

In theological discourse, Romans 11:36 is often referenced to discuss God’s transcendence and immanence, His ultimate authority and ongoing involvement in the world. It also speaks to the purpose of human life and the universe, centering on the glorification of God.


Different Christian denominations may place varying emphases on this verse. However, most agree on its core message of God’s sovereignty and the purpose of creation. It is a reminder to believers of their place in God’s grand design and their role in glorifying Him.

This verse aligns with other biblical teachings on God’s nature and the purpose of creation (e.g., Colossians 1:16, Isaiah 43:7). It is foundational in understanding the Christian perspective of existence and the ultimate goal of life.

Application in Daily Life

For believers, Romans 11:36 can serve as a reminder to live a life that reflects the glory of God. It encourages Christians to see their lives and the world around them as part of God’s grand narrative, with each action and decision contributing to the glorification of God.

In practical terms, this could mean living with gratitude, stewardship, humility, and a focus on serving and honoring God in all aspects of life.


Romans 11:36 is a powerful testament to the Christian understanding of God’s sovereignty, the nature of creation, and the purpose of existence. It serves as a doxology that not only concludes a profound theological discourse but also provides a framework for understanding the Christian life. Its message is a call to recognize and celebrate God’s omnipotence and to live with the purpose of glorifying Him, thereby enriching one’s spiritual journey and impacting the world positively.

6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Devotional: Romans 11:36

What Does Romans 11:36 Mean by “From Him,” “Through Him,” and “For Him”?

“From him” signifies that God is the origin of all things – He is the Creator. “Through him” indicates that God is actively involved in His creation, sustaining and governing it. “For him” implies that the ultimate purpose of all creation is to glorify God. Together, these phrases emphasize God’s sovereignty and the purposeful nature of creation.

How Does This Verse Relate to the Overall Theme of the Book of Romans?

Romans 11:36 ties into the larger themes of the book, which include God’s righteousness, His plan of salvation, and the faithfulness of God to both Jews and Gentiles. This verse serves as a doxology that encapsulates the majesty and sovereignty of God over all things, a recurring theme throughout the epistle.

Is This Verse Significant for Understanding Christian Theology?

Yes, Romans 11:36 is crucial for understanding Christian theology, particularly in the areas of God’s sovereignty, the nature of creation, and the purpose of human existence. It affirms that all aspects of existence are connected to and dependent on God, underscoring His central role in Christian belief.

Does This Verse Imply That Everything That Happens Is God’s Will?

This verse emphasizes God’s sovereignty and involvement in creation, but it does not directly address the specifics of God’s will in every event. Christian theology often distinguishes between God’s permissive will (allowing human free will and natural processes) and His perfect will (His ultimate plan and purpose). The verse should be interpreted within this broader theological context.

Is the Concept of God’s Sovereignty in This Verse Compatible With Human Free Will?

This is a complex theological question. Many Christian theologians assert that God’s sovereignty and human free will coexist. The concept here is that while God is sovereign and all things work for His purpose, humans still have the free will to make choices. The interplay between divine sovereignty and human responsibility is a profound and often debated topic in Christian theology.

In What Way Does This Verse Challenge or Inspire Personal Spiritual Growth?

This verse can inspire believers to reflect on the magnitude and sovereignty of God in their lives, encouraging a deeper trust in Him. It challenges individuals to view their lives and actions as part of a larger, God-centered narrative. This perspective can lead to a more purpose-driven life, emphasizing stewardship, humility, and a commitment to glorifying God in all aspects of one’s life.

How Do the Themes Expressed in Romans 11:36 Relate to or Find Echoes in Other Verses and Passages in the Bible?

Romans 11:36 is a verse that encapsulates the sovereignty and majesty of God in all things. It speaks to the idea that everything originates from, exists by, and is intended for God’s glory. This concept of God’s ultimate authority and purpose is a fundamental theme in Christian theology and is echoed throughout the Bible. Let’s explore this verse and its relation to other parts of the Bible:

Colossians 1:16-17 – “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.”
Relation: Colossians 1:16-17 reinforces the message of Romans 11:36, highlighting the supremacy of Christ in creation, sustenance, and purpose of all things.

1 Corinthians 8:6 – “Yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.”
Relation: This verse complements Romans 11:36 by emphasizing the source and purpose of all things in God the Father and Jesus Christ, aligning with the theme of God’s sovereignty and purpose.

Psalm 24:1 – “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
Relation: Psalm 24:1 aligns with Romans 11:36 in declaring God’s ownership and lordship over all creation, underscoring the concept that everything exists by God’s will.

Revelation 4:11 – “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.”
Relation: Revelation 4:11 echoes the doxology of Romans 11:36, focusing on God’s worthiness to receive glory and honor as the creator and sustainer of all things.

Isaiah 42:8 – “I am the Lord; that is my name! I will not yield my glory to another or my praise to idols.”
Relation: Isaiah 42:8 supports Romans 11:36’s emphasis on God’s glory, asserting God’s unique and sovereign position in the universe, and His refusal to share His glory with others.

Romans 11:36, along with its related scriptures, collectively underscores the truth of God’s ultimate authority and purpose in everything. These verses articulate a fundamental Christian belief that all things come from, exist through, and are meant for God, and that He alone is worthy of glory and honor. This understanding shapes the Christian worldview, recognizing God’s sovereignty in every aspect of life and existence. The verse serves as a profound reminder of the purpose and end of all creation – to glorify God, forever.

A Prayer Inspired by Romans 11:36

As we come to God in prayer, let us be mindful of the profound truth expressed in Romans 11:36, which reminds us of God’s sovereignty and the ultimate purpose of all creation. This verse invites us to acknowledge God as the source, sustainer, and ultimate end of all things, and to glorify Him in our thoughts, words, and actions. Let this prayer be an offering of our hearts, reflecting our awe and gratitude for His majesty and grace.

Our Prayer Inspired by Devotional: Romans 11:36

Heavenly Father, Creator and Sustainer of all,

We come before You in humility and awe, inspired by the truth of Your Word in Romans 11:36. With hearts full of gratitude, we acknowledge that from You, all things have their beginning; in Your wisdom and power, all things find their existence; and for Your glory, all things fulfill their purpose.

Lord, we marvel at the vastness of Your creation, the intricacies of Your design, and the depth of Your love that encompasses all things. You are the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and in You, the tapestry of life is woven with divine purpose and intention.

We confess, O God, that often we lose sight of this grand vision. We become entangled in our own desires and plans, forgetting that we are part of Your greater story. In this moment of prayer, we realign our hearts with Your will, seeking to live in a way that brings glory to Your name.

Teach us, Father, to see our lives and the world around us through the lens of Your sovereignty. May we cherish the beauty of Your creation, engage with others in love and grace, and steward all that You have entrusted to us, mindful that everything exists for Your glory.

In times of trial and uncertainty, remind us that You are the source of our strength and the architect of our days. Help us to trust in Your providential care, knowing that through You and for You, all things are held together.

As we walk through each day, may our lives be a living doxology to Your greatness. In our words, actions, and thoughts, let us reflect the truth that You are worthy of all honor and praise. May our journey here on earth contribute to the chorus of creation, singing of Your glory and majesty.

To You, O Lord, be the glory forever.


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