Devotional: 1 Chronicles 29:14

Introduction to Devotional: 1 Chronicles 29:14

The Bible is a foundational text for Christians, comprising numerous books that convey diverse themes to guide believers in their spiritual journey and everyday life. In this analysis, we delve into a verse from the Old Testament: 1 Chronicles 29:14 from the New International Version (NIV), which reads:

But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand.

Devotional: 1 Chronicles 29:14


1 Chronicles, a historical book in the Old Testament, is traditionally attributed to Ezra, a scribe and priest. Written post-exilic (likely between 400-250 BC), it covers Israel’s history from Adam to the establishment of the kingdom under David and Solomon.

The book of 1 Chronicles, particularly chapters 22-29, focuses on David’s preparations for the construction of the Temple, a significant event in Jewish history. It emphasizes the importance of worship, temple, and the Davidic Covenant – the promise of a lasting dynasty, fulfilled in Jesus Christ according to Christian belief.

1 Chronicles 29:14 is part of David’s prayer of praise and thanksgiving during the offering for the temple’s construction. David acknowledges God’s sovereignty and the transient nature of human existence and possessions.

Verse Analysis

The verse starts with a rhetorical question, “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?” This reflects David’s humility and astonishment at the privilege of being able to contribute to God’s work.

“Everything comes from you,” acknowledges God as the ultimate source of all possessions and blessings. This is a recognition of God’s sovereignty over all creation and a reminder that whatever humans have is a trust from God.

The phrase, “and we have given you only what comes from your hand,” implies the principle of stewardship. It suggests that what we offer to God is not ours but a return of His own gifts. This verse emphasizes the importance of recognizing God’s ownership over everything and our role as stewards of His provisions.

Theological Implications

This verse is profound in its theological implications. It recognizes God’s supremacy, encourages humility in humans, and highlights the concept of stewardship. It also reflects a heart of gratitude and acknowledges that all we have is a blessing from God.


Different Christian denominations appreciate this verse for its emphasis on humility, stewardship, and gratitude. While interpretations may vary slightly, the core message remains the same: everything belongs to God, and humans are mere stewards of His creation.

This verse aligns with other biblical teachings about God’s providence, human responsibility, and the attitude of gratitude and humility (Psalm 24:1, James 1:17).

Application in Daily Life

Believers can apply this verse by cultivating a heart of gratitude and recognizing God as the source of all blessings. It calls for a humble acknowledgment of our limitations and a responsible stewardship of what we have been given.

Practically, this verse inspires generosity and the wise use of resources. Understanding that what we possess is not ours but God’s, can transform our approach to giving, serving, and living.

For personal spiritual growth, this verse can be a reminder to always acknowledge God’s hand in our lives, leading to a deeper sense of humility and dependence on Him.


1 Chronicles 29:14 is a powerful expression of humility, gratitude, and stewardship. It highlights the importance of recognizing God as the source of all blessings and our role as stewards of His provisions. This verse offers a profound insight into the Christian principles of giving and living, guiding believers in their spiritual journey.

The verse’s implications are significant, prompting us to understand our faith more deeply and inspiring us to live a life marked by humility, gratitude, and responsible stewardship. It encourages further study and application of the Bible’s teachings, enriching our personal spiritual growth and positively influencing our communities.

5 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Devotional: 1 Chronicles 1:24

What Is the Context of 1 Chronicles 29:14?

This verse is part of King David’s prayer during the offering collection for the construction of the Temple in Jerusalem. It reflects David’s humility and recognition of God as the ultimate source of all blessings and resources. The chapter highlights the importance of gratitude, stewardship, and the acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty in the life of believers.

Why Does David Question His Ability to Give Generously?

David’s question, “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this?” is an expression of humility. It’s not a doubt about his ability to give, but a recognition of the extraordinary privilege and grace that allows him and his people to contribute to God’s work, despite their transient and insignificant status compared to God’s greatness.

What Does “Everything Comes From You” Mean?

Everything comes from you” is an acknowledgment that God is the source of all things. This statement reflects a belief that all wealth, resources, and blessings are ultimately provided by God. This perspective encourages believers to see their possessions not as personal achievements, but as gifts entrusted to them by God.

How Does This Verse Relate to the Concept of Stewardship?

The verse underlines the concept of stewardship in the Christian faith. It suggests that humans are caretakers of God’s creation and possessions. The phrase, “we have given you only what comes from your hand,” implies that what people offer to God is not theirs but a return of His blessings, emphasizing the responsibility to manage God’s gifts wisely and generously.

Is This Verse Relevant Only to Financial Giving?

While it directly addresses financial contributions for the Temple, the underlying principles of humility, gratitude, and stewardship apply to all aspects of life. It’s not just about money but about how believers view and utilize all that they have been given, including time, abilities, and opportunities, in a way that honors God.

Does This Verse Imply That Everything We Have Must Be Given Away?

Not necessarily. The verse emphasizes the attitude of the heart more than the action of giving everything away. It’s about recognizing that our possessions are ultimately God’s and should be used according to His purpose. While generosity is encouraged, it is the recognition of God’s ownership and our stewardship role that is key.

What Does This Verse Teach About Human Nature and Our Relationship With God?

1 Chronicles 29:14 teaches that recognizing our dependence on God is a fundamental aspect of human nature in the biblical perspective. By questioning his own ability to give generously, David exemplifies a humble recognition of human limitations and dependence on God. This verse encourages believers to understand their relationship with God as one where they are not only recipients of His blessings but also active participants in His plan, albeit as humble stewards of His provisions.

How Do the Themes Expressed in 1 Chronicles 29:14 Relate to or Find Echoes in Other Verses and Passages in the Bible?

1 Chronicles 29:14 is a part of King David’s prayer of praise and thanksgiving to God during the collection of offerings for the construction of the temple. In this verse, David reflects on the nature of giving and the sovereignty of God over all resources. Let’s explore this verse and its connection to other parts of the Bible:

2 Corinthians 9:7 – “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
Relation: Paul’s teaching to the Corinthians about giving echoes the heart of David’s realization in 1 Chronicles 29:14 – that our giving should be joyful and voluntary, recognizing that all we have is a gift from God.

James 1:17 – “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
Relation: James’s letter underscores the principle in 1 Chronicles 29:14 by acknowledging that every blessing we have is a gift from God, reinforcing the source of all good things.

Psalm 24:1 – “The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”
Relation: This Psalm of David complements 1 Chronicles 29:14 in recognizing God’s sovereignty over all creation, affirming that everything we possess is ultimately God’s.

Deuteronomy 8:17-18 – “You may say to yourself, ‘My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.’ But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
Relation: Moses reminds the Israelites of God’s role in their prosperity, aligning with 1 Chronicles 29:14’s theme of recognizing God as the source of all blessings and abilities.

Proverbs 3:9 – “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops.”
Relation: This verse from Proverbs echoes the sentiment of 1 Chronicles 29:14, emphasizing the importance of honoring God with our resources, acknowledging His provision and ownership.

1 Chronicles 29:14, along with these related scriptures, collectively highlights the understanding that everything we possess comes from God and that our giving is merely returning a portion of what He has entrusted to us. These verses remind us to give with a sense of gratitude and reverence, acknowledging God’s ultimate sovereignty and generosity. David’s prayer expresses a humble recognition of God’s ownership over all things and invites us to adopt the same perspective in our giving – seeing it as an act of worship and a reflection of our thankfulness for God’s abundant provision.

A Prayer Inspired by 1 ChrOnicles 29:14

In the spirit of 1 Chronicles 29:14, let us approach this prayer with hearts full of gratitude and humility, recognizing that all we have and all we are, come from the boundless generosity of God. This verse from the Old Testament, spoken by King David, reminds us of the importance of acknowledging God as the source of all our blessings and the steward of our lives. As we pray, let us reflect on the theme of this powerful scripture – the recognition of God’s sovereignty, our role as stewards of His gifts, and the humble gratitude we should express for the abundance we receive.

Our Prayer Inspired by Devotional: 1 Chronicles 29:14

Heavenly Father, Creator and Sustainer of all,

We come before You today, hearts filled with awe and humility, echoing the words of Your servant David: “But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.”

Lord, we acknowledge that every good thing in our lives is a gift from You. Our strengths, our resources, our opportunities – all are blessings You have graciously bestowed upon us. We are but stewards of Your abundance, caretakers of the blessings You have entrusted to our care.

In Your infinite wisdom, You have called us to participate in Your divine plan, not as owners but as humble servants, managing Your gifts for Your glory. Help us, O God, to always remember that what we have is not ours to claim, but Yours to share. May our hearts be free from the grip of greed and filled with the joy of giving.

Teach us, Lord, to give not just from our abundance, but from a spirit of true generosity. Let our giving be a reflection of Your love and grace, a testament to our gratitude for all You have done for us. Whether it be our time, our talents, or our treasures, may we offer them back to You with open hands and willing hearts.

In times of abundance, keep us humble; in times of scarcity, keep us faithful. Remind us that our true treasure lies not in earthly wealth, but in the richness of Your love and the promise of Your eternal kingdom.

O God, guide our actions and decisions so that they may honor You. May we be wise and just stewards, using what You have given us to bless others, to further Your kingdom, and to bring glory to Your name.

We thank You, Father, for Your unending generosity and unfailing love. May our lives be a continual prayer of gratitude, our actions a hymn of praise to You.

In the precious name of Jesus Christ, we pray,


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